The use of frequencies appropriately organized in programs and conveyed through the use of a device that generates a microcurrent, a pulsed magnetic field or a laser, in order to improve the neuromuscular response, sports performance and the ability of adaptation of the human body.


This incapacity manifests itself through a block of some fundamental reflexes:

  • Laterality: Postural reflexes
  • Gait mechanism: Coordinated alternation of the flexor-extensor activity of the human body
  • Muscular hypertonus
  • Myotatic reflex
  • Neurovegetative dystonia.


Through specific muscle tests, tonic symmetry reflexes and the use of technologies such as stabilometry and posturography, it is possible to identify these imbalances. The subsequent stimulation, through frequencies (between 100 Hz and 7.000.000 Hz), for a period that can vary between 3 and 20 minutes, we are able to restore the reflexes mentioned above. The frequencies, properly conveyed, in a state of rest, with no concurrent activity, in a passive attitude, provide a sensory input, which determines a neuromotor response, immediate in younger subjects, slower in advanced age subjects.


Constant exposure to the stimulus causes an improvement in the response of the nervous system and new opportunities for organization with respect to external stimuli. The presence of different programs that combine multiple frequencies, allows us to modulate the response of the nervous system according to what we want to achieve both from the point of view of post-training recovery, and from the point of view of optimization of activation processes muscle. The daily exposure to these frequencies causes changes in the coordinated activation state of the flexor and extensor muscles, a correct neuromuscular response, referable to the absence of a hypertonic condition, and a state of readiness of the autonomic nervous system, through a condition that tends to vagotonic.


More information will be coming soon!